WISR is More Than a Technology Company:
The Best Technology in the World is Worthless if it Whispers
WISR believes in axiom, “Form Follows Function”. Just as important is the concept of of keeping the marketing strategies in the forefront of decision making when developing any project.
WISR can help you Design and Deploy Effective Internet Marketing Campaigns
We Cover ALL the Bases
Marketing campaigns are essential
- Marketing Campaign Design and Concept Phase
- Marketing Strategies and Planning
- Email / Newsletter Campaigns
- Micro-Sites
- Video & Viral Marketing
- Social Networking – Facebook/Instagram/Twitter
- Mobile Device/Smart-Phone Marketing
- Google Ads & SEO
- Affiliate Marketing Campaigns
Our Marketing Services are designed to produce Results!
1) Forget the Fluff
2) Create the right campaign for your business
3) Design, Deploy & Measure
Marketing Services consist mainly around promoting your website or organization – for example: Special marketing campaigns; email campaigns, micro-sites, ad campaigns Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Google Services; AdWords, AdSense Design & Development is all about designing and building your project – making your project: Engaging and Intuitive Functional &Robust Easy to Administer Expandable
And, we also offer Hosting Services for your project; both short-term and long-term.
SEO from the Ground Up
We Help You Rise to the Top
- Keyword Placement and Density
- Clean Code / Optimal Navigation
- Link Popularity Efforts
- Pay-Per-Click Advertising
- Monitoring Results/Analytics
- RSS Newsfeeds and Syndication
- On-going SEO Maintenance
WISR SEO Method Starts with The First Line of Code
We Integrate SEO Strategies every Step of the Way
Before we make a move or come to a decision, it has to pass the sniff test: How will this impact Search Engine Optimization.
Marketing Services consist mainly around promoting your website or organization – for example: Special marketing campaigns; email campaigns, micro-sites, ad campaigns Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Google Services; AdWords, AdSense Design & Development is all about designing and building your project – making your project: Engaging and Intuitive Functional &Robust Easy to Administer Expandable
And, we also offer Hosting Services for your project; both short-term and long-term.
Your Passport to Google
We Know Google Services
- AdSense / AdWords
- Google Analytics
- Picasa Galleries
- Google Maps
- Google Checkout
- Google Custom Search
- Blogger
- Google Translate
- YouTube
- …and other Google services.
A WISR Motto: If Google Doesn’t See You, You Don’t Exist!
Keeping Track of – and Being Tracked by – Google is Critical…
WISR’s clientele are kept in-synch and up to date with the latest and greatest in Google services. Drom Analytics to PPC campaigns and beyond, we are dedicated to giving our clients all the insights that require constant diligence and effort. Let us do the research and help you leverage the multitude of tools and services made available by Google.
And, we also offer Hosting Services for your project; both short-term and long-term.
Harness the Power of Networks
Social Networks Can Work for You
- Facebook Development
- Twitter Feeds
- Social Bookmarking
- Custom Social Networks
- Video Sharing Networks
- Connect to the Blogisphere
- Badges
- Mobile Networks
- Start Your Own!
WISR Helps Get You Connected
WISR Builds Social Networking Platforms and Connect You to Them
The number one trend in Internet technology id the social network. Is there an application for user profiles and user-generated content? In many cases, the answer is yes.
And, we also offer Hosting Services for your project; both short-term and long-term.