"Upgrading an outdated website is like going to the gym - Just Do It!" WISR ON SITE UPGRADES... READ MORE Every right implies a responsibility. THE REAL DEAL READ MORE There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope. NATURAL BEAUTY READ MORE Walking with a friend in the dark is better than alone in the light. WORDS OF WISDOM READ MORE

WISR Site Upgrade Options

Having an Outdated Website is like Driving a Jalopy

Investing in a website upgrade is a big decision, and easy to postpone. But a website is not only a showcase for your products or services — it’s also the public face of your business and brand, the first interaction with potential customers, and a key element in your marketing strategy. So if it isn’t completely aligned with your current business situation and goals, it could be holding you back.

Your Brand, Your Security and Your Reputation

CMS systems, like most software, are developed in tandem with technological advancements such as browser updates making new versions necessary to support and remain compatible with these developments. Keeping your CMS up to date – or migrating from an obsolete framework to a better one – significantly reduces the vulnerability of your site. Security updates, sometimes referred to as security releases, are especially important in ensuring your CMS is kept robust.


WISR Technologies